Top Speed Of Ford Model T
Jul 09, 2018 at 8:02pm ET
There's an unverifiable quote from Henry Ford about how motor racing began after the second car was built. Whether you believe it to be true doesn't matter. Ever since there was the automobile, there've been automobile races. The first race in the U.S. happened in 1895 in Chicago between six entrants. Ever since then, automakers have been pitting their latest and greatest motorized machines against one another. What we have here in this video is a race of elephants – a Ford Model A trying to beat a Ford Model T. The race isn't blisteringly quick.
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The grainy video makes it hard to distinguish the Model A form the Model T. They are different models – Model T production ended in 1927 when Model A production began. It appears the Model A has a clear lead over the Model T as the two pass the camera, which makes sense.
When Ford began production of the Model A, it had a four-cylinder engine producing 40 horsepower with a top speed of 65 miles per hours. It came with a three-speed transmission. The Model T's four-cylinder engine made a partly 20 hp – at least new and depending on the year. Top speed was limited to just 45 mph. The clear performance advantage is with the newer Model A – granted, the use of the word "newer" is relative.
We don't know if either of these cars has any modifications. Considering their age, they've likely had a few upgrades to keep them running in tip-top shape. According to the video description, this race started a lot like many – between two owners bragging about who has the better car. The race took place in Cuba, Missouri on Route 66, which seems quite fitting for these two vintage automobiles.
While the race doesn't have the speed of today's high-performance automobiles, it's still thrilling to watch. Then again, maybe we like seeing things race.
Source: ViralHog via YouTube

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